quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2014

028 english tests


027 FORUM "aren't I" usage

'Am not I' sounds very affected in English and just try saying 'Amn't I?' Now you know why we say 'Aren't I/'

Can we not use " Am I not"? I live here in Ireland for neigh on 9 years, and never, ever, have I heard someone say "aren't I".
In fact, they do use "Amn't I", and pronounce it "Amen't I"

sorry miss shyone but
can u look up the question tag in any grammar book and u will see "aren't I?"

You know the saying: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"?
I have learned English here, and I'm sorry to say, not once did I hear 'aren't I'.
"aren't I" is grammatically correct. That's it ! :-??
yes I am sure that it is a correct grammatical rule. :P
Aren't I?
17 replies

Forums · General English Grammar & Vocabulary, Listening & Speaking · General English Grammar Questions

Intelligent Freak:
It sounds odd to me but some people are using it like "I am pretty, aren't I?"
Is it now acceptable?
IF [A]

20th September 2007
Contributing Member1,408


Mister Micawber:
In all but the most formal situations. Here is some online commentary:
The technically ungrammatical usage of "aren't" in questions where "I" is the subject can be considered a "forced" mistake, because there is no good grammatically correct alternative. There is no contraction for "am not;" we don't say "Amn't I going ... ?," and the uncontracted form, "Am I not going with you?," sounds so formal that it is not practical in most situations. Consequently, even though "aren't I" is technically ungrammatical, and can sound a bit jarring to the ear, it is considered correct in normal conversational speech.
Additional note:
Michael Swan: "Practical English Usage" Second Edition
"'Am not' is normally only contracted in questions, to 'aren't'"
"The question tag for 'I am' is 'aren't I'?: 'I'm late, aren't I?'"

terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2014

026 search for writters

search about
T.S. Elliot about journey
George Elliot
Lewis Carol
Oscar Wilde
Benjamein Disraeli
Journey end...Shakespeare
Search about Roman Adrian 122 d.c. and wall on England

segunda-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2014

025 am aware of the fact - two broad assumptions...

I am aware of the fact
I am aware of the fact that no one actually saw it but it happened.
Two broad assumptions underlie this book:
(1) that writing is a rational activity.
(2) that IF is a valuable activity.

domingo, 26 de janeiro de 2014

024 Links About Usually Situations

how to decorate the bathroom

candle holders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQoI1YGAz-U frames put pinted paintings trash can underneath

023 how to decorate your living room

http://inglesemquadrinhos.blogspot.com.br/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwlAf1IvMrU adorn-verbo adornar adorn, decorate, grace, ornament, bejewel, bedeck decorar decorate, adorn, memorize, memorialize, ornament, learn by heart ornamentar ornament, decorate, adorn, bedeck, garnish, lace ataviar primp, adorn, prank, titivate, tog oneself up, decorate adereçar adorn, decorate alegrar rejoice, cheer, joy, gladden, delight, adorn a small space it is posible to decorate "by using"... Instead of a coffee table in a small living room you can use a side table a large carpet will along your room making it appear bigger placing a plama tv on top of the anti cabinet living room furniture

sábado, 25 de janeiro de 2014

022 cleaning your house

the room


How MESS is your Room ?

I am not in the mood - não estou de bom humor
take one of the microfiber cloth and fix it into the broomstick
microfibre(uk) microfiber (US) cloths (clóds) - panos de microfibra
cleanig cloths
mop - esfregão
all purpose cleaner
glass cleaner
garbage bags
vacuum cleaner - aspirador de pó
broomstick - cabo da vassoura
three waves of cleaning

a good vacuuming -

cleaning table tops - table tops of the furnitures

slowly we are cleaning clockwise around the room -
I am cleaning clockwise around the room estou limpando no sentido horario ao redor da sala

Wall corners - cantos da parede


street corner
ânguloponto de vistacantoesquinaanzolfase
esquinacanto saliente
cunhapalmetaquinaesquinacalçopedra angular

021 a stoven cooker 2024 hassle aborrecimentos - complicações


Stoves richmond 1100dft dual fuel range cooker black

5 dials on the panel including the oven dial

4 burner gas hob including wok burner
1 oven with 2 telescopic shelves division
inner light
fan oven
telescopic shelves - shelves prateleiras
burner covers
4 top burners

"this coke is sugar free"

this still got some "stuff" ( ainda está sujo!) this gonna fall off! sair o encardido

BathTub - banheira

the luxurious amount of cooking space menas that being the host of large parties is hassle free ( sem complicações) thanks to the 

quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2014

019 about my home 800 2024 describing

how to clean
your bedroom
living room
spare room
back room
front room ( front closet)

I live in an apartment


About the mattess I used to sleep

sleep  (slp)
a. A natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli. During sleep the brain in humans and other mammals undergoes a characteristic cycle of brain-wave activity that includes intervals of dreaming.
b. A period of this form of rest.
c. A state of inactivity resembling or suggesting sleep; unconsciousness, dormancy, hibernation, or death.
2. Botany The folding together of leaflets or petals at night or in the absence of light.
3. A crust of dried tears or mucus normally forming around the inner rim of the eye during sleep.
v. slept (slpt), sleep·ing, sleeps
1. To be in the state of sleep or to fall asleep.
2. To be in a condition resembling sleep.
1. To pass or get rid of by sleeping: slept away the day; went home to sleep off the headache.
2. To provide sleeping accommodations for: This tent sleeps three comfortably.
Phrasal Verbs:
sleep around Informal
To be sexually active with more than one partner.
sleep in
1. To sleep at one's place of employment: a butler and a chauffeur who sleep in.
a. To oversleep: I missed the morning train because I slept in.
b. To sleep late on purpose: After this week's work, I will sleep in on Saturday.
sleep on
To think about (something) overnight before deciding.
sleep out
1. To sleep at one's own home, not at one's place of employment.
2. To sleep away from one's home.
sleep over
To spend the night as a guest in another's home.
sleep together
To have sexual relations.
sleep with
To have sexual relations with.
sleep like a log/rock
To sleep very deeply.

Sleeping on Your Side
This is a popular position for sleeping for many people. There is a natural tendency to sleep on ones side after starting out on your back. When sleeping on your side make sure your pillow has enough support in it to keep your shoulders relaxed at. If your pillow is too low, your head will be tilting down, and if it is too high your head will be stretched uncomfortably –both of which can be very uncomfortable. That is why having a cervical support pillow that is properly sized is a good idea. The Linear Gravity Neck Pillow comes in 3 sizes- small, med and large to accomodate different sizes and frams. To make this side sleeping position even more comfortable and least stress on your body, place a pillow in between the knees that keeps your legs hip width apart. This will properly support your lower back area.

Well I don't know how to say about  the inner springs such as:
the number of coils
the coil desing
and the gauge "gaydge" of wire ( a bitola do fio - espessura)

In my bedroom there are no mirrors hanged up on the walls. In the door of my wardrobe there is a mirror hung up

best places to hang a mirror
Apartment Living / Rental
Transcript:How to Hang a Frameless Wall Mirror
Hi! I'm Ami Young for About.com Home.

Wall mirrors are great for opening up small rooms and tight spaces to warmth and light. So today Im going to show you how to hang a frameless wall mirror that has a one-inch beveled edge on it.

Materials Needed

For this project, you will need:
A frameless wall mirror with 1 inch beveled edges
Wall mirror mounting brackets
A number 2 pencil
Drywall anchor bolts or screws (that are weighted to hold up to 20 pounds)
A phillips head screw driver
A hammer
A measure tape
A long skinny flat head nail

Setting your Mirror's Location

First, lift your mirror up to where you want to mount it on the wall and get it squared up. Next, using your number 2 pencil, outline the top, bottom, and side edges of where you want the mirror to hang. Take the mirror back down and rest it against a different wall.
Aligning your Brackets
With your measure tape, make two marks on both the top and the bottom of where the mirror will hang - just about a third of the way in from the left and right edge marks. Next, line up your brackets at each of the marks and use your number 2 Pencil to mark the holes where each of the brackets will screw into the wall. 
Testing your Wall Strength
Since larger mirrors can be especially heavy and break easily, you need to figure out if there is a wood stud behind the drywall or just air before mounting it. 

To figure this out, take your nail and hammer it into the center of your drill hole marks. Hammer the nail into the drywall just about half way in. If you hit a wood stud behind the wall, you'll notice the nail suddenly becoming more difficult to hammer in. In this case, you would only need a screw and not an anchor bolt. But, if the nail easily punches into the drywall with very little resistance, then youre going to need to use an anchor bolt for that hole so your mirror doesnt fall off the wall. 
Hammering your Anchors
Now that we've determined where we need an anchor bolt and where we only need a screw – lightly hammer one anchor into the holes where you have drywall only until the anchor is flush with the surface of the wall.
Hanging your Brackets
Next, using your Philips head screwdriver, line up your bracket with the screw hole and screw in the screws for each of the brackets on the bottom of where the mirror will hang. Screw each screw in, just about three-quarters of the way. 
Mirror Hanging
Slide your mirror down into the brackets so the mirror is flush against the wall and line up to where you want it. Line up the brackets with the screw holes for the top of the mirror. Using your Phillips head screwdriver, screw each of the other two brackets into the wall, double checking that each of the brackets clamp over the top of the mirror evenly. Tighten down the bottom two bracket screws the rest of the way.

So there you have it! A beautiful new frameless wall mirror to open up your home!

Thank you for watching! To learn more, visit us on the web at HomeGarden.About.com! 
If you hang a mirror in a room, you'll be addding a basic accessory and necessity. Whether it’s a hallway or grand ballroom, baby’s room or bathroom, the addition of a mirror adds beauty to the space and makes the space feel more open or spacious.
Wherever you intend to hang a mirror, be sure the view is something worthy of reflection. A mirror opposite a window will reflect a lovely outdoor setting and give the illusion of a second window. An interesting architectural feature can be reflected and give balance to a room.
In a Bathroom
The first place you think of a mirror is in a bathroom. Sure, it often gets clouded when you get out of the shower, but you could not live without it—and shouldn’t have to. Over the sink is the most popular place. Shaving and applying makeup are much easier with a good sized mirror mounted in a frame or directly to the wall. Try installing one with a magnifying side hanging from the wall, and you’ll love it! If you have the space, install a wall-hanging mirror with adjustable arm directly across from the mirror on the sink wall. You’ll be able to look at the back of your head without having to juggle a hand-held mirror.
If you have a really small bath, you might consider hanging another framed mirror over the bathtub. It can really help to make a small bath look larger.
In a Bedroom
A full-length mirror is a must for any bedroom! If you have a wall large enough, hang it there. If you must, you can hang it on the front of the bedroom door, or on the inside of a closet door and it won’t be seen except when you want it to be. This will make getting dressed much more convenient. Be sure you install the mirror with enough room in front to be able to really stand back. It’s hard to see if your slip is hanging down if you’re too close to the mirror.
Over a Desk
If your desk faces the wall, you might consider installing a wall-mounted mirror above it. It will help to make your home office feel larger, you’ll feel comfortable that no one could come up behind you, and you’ll get an idea of what’s going on around you.
Near the Front Door
Its a wonderful idea to have a nice mirror mounted somewhere near your front door. Even better if there’s a nice table or small chest beneath it. You’ll be able to do a last-minute check on your hair and touch up your lipstick before going out. The table will provide a place to deposit mail and keys when you come in the house. A lovely arrangement of fresh flowers will look lovely, twice, when reflected in the mirror!
Over a Fireplace
A dramatic mirror installed over a fireplace will add warmth to a room. It will help reflect the activities in the room. Or hang a mirror on either side of a fireplace to help the room feel bigger.
On a Table
If you enjoy using candles and the beautiful glow they provide, use a mirror as a tray and stand the candles on the mirror. This will create the effect of doubling the number of candles and the light they send out. They only thing that won’t be amplified is the lovely scent that so many candles now have.
In a Child's Room
Children love looking at themselves in a mirror, and a child’s room is the perfect place to hang one. For an infant, carefully suspend a mirror over the crib so the baby can see himself. A mirror on the wall near the baby’s changing table will keep the child occupied while you’re doing the changing. In a toddler’s or older child’s room, be sure to mount a mirror at the child’s eye level. A simple mirror placed in front of a child in a car can give hours of distraction for a long ride.
Over a Buffet
A mirror over a buffet or server in the dining room is a nice touch. If you’re entertaining, the mirror will reflect the lovely array of food you have displayed. Be sure the mirror doesn’t show the dirty dishes in the kitchen!
In a Long Hallway
A dark, narrow hallway can appear more spacious with a strategically-placed mirror that will help to reflect what little light there is.
A mirror can be strictly functional or the focal point in a room. Whichever it is, it will provide light, beauty, illusion, and convenience to your home.

quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2014

018 Phrases and sentences memorized

it addresses different workflow activities like reading a hand-drawn original from a scanner and drawing a work for printing.

excerpt "to cross your threshold" - (thre  chold) atravessar o seu limiar

I found abundance

They put you in this big containment facility, where they stick a cold metal pipe up your ass with this clear jelly, and then they shock your balls. [Butters gasps]

space or equipment necessary for doing something.
"cooking facilities"
sinônimos: provision, space, means, potential, equipment; amenity, resource,service, advantage, convenience, benefit; establishment, center, place, station,location, premises, site, post, base, joint, outfit, setup
an ability to do or learn something well and easily; a natural aptitude.
"he had a facility for languages"
sinônimos: aptitude, talent, gift, flair, bent, skill, knack, genius, ability,proficiency, competence, capability, capacity, faculty, expertness, adeptness,prowess, mastery, artistry

No ticket stub, no candy shopping spree
canhoto do bilhete ingresso sem farra de compras de doce
No topo de bilhete, nenhum doce maratona de compras
[...] measures and look forward to a more pleasant bus ride home from Bolton town centre after a Saturday afternoon's shopping spree.
europarl.europa.eu [...] autocarro mais agradáveis do centro da cidade de Bolton para casa, depois de uma tarde de sábadopassada a fazer compras.
I didn't go on a shopping spree to the biggest outlet mall in America, or drive a "Big Wasp" (the Chevrolet Camaro) cruising [...]
america.gov           Não me esbaldei fazendo compras no maior shopping de outlets dos Estados Unidos nem dirigi uma "Big Wasp" (o Chevrolet Camaro) [...]
Are Brazil's Banks Gearing Up for a Foreign Shopping Spree?
wharton.universia.net            Banco do Brasil compra Banco Patagônia: os bancos brasileiros estão se preparando para ir às compras noexterior?
For every three completed green acts, consumers can enter to win a $5,000 shopping spree on buygreen.com.
technologeeko.com               Para cada três actos concluídos verde, os consumidores podem entrar para ganhar um shoppingspree $ 5.000 em buygreen.com.
[...] Paris Angel will make sure you still have time for a cultural tour, a gastronomic meal or a last-minuteshopping spree.
parisangels.fr         [...] como você quiser para ganhar tempo para um passeio cultural, uma refeição gastronômica, ou de compras de ultimo minuto.
But when, for example, the propaganda minister', Mr Moyo, went to South Africa on a shopping spree overChristmas, it caused a public outcry in that democratic[...]
europarl.europa.eu [...] propaganda", o senhor Moyo, foi à África do Sul, no Natal, para fazer compras, também causou protestos públicos naquela sociedade [...]
On Thursday and Saturday, the growers' market on the Konstablerwache right on the Zeil is worth a visit after ashopping spree.
frankfurt.de             À quinta-feira e ao sábado vale a pena visitar depoisdas compras o mercado dos produtores na Konstablerwache,mesmo ali no Zeil.
Shopping Spree: Purse and Lipstick symbols are scatter symbols and can appear in any line.
casinoglamour.com               Shopping da Fortuna: A Bolsa e o Batom funcionam como joker/coringa e podem aparecer em qualquer linha.
Shopping Spree
okonlinecasino.com               Compras Alucinantes
Shopping Spree: Get 3 or more Lipstick Scatter Symbols anywhere among all lines and win 10-25 Free Spins.
casinoglamour.com               Shopping da Fortuna: Tire 3 ou mais símbolos do Batom em qualquer linha e ganhará 10-25 Rodadas Grátis.

Shopping Spree: Credit Card symbol is wild except with Purse and Lipstick.      


Definições de spree
a spell or sustained period of unrestrained activity of a particular kind.
"he went on a six-month crime spree"
sinônimos: binge, bout, orgy, splurge, session
take part in a spree.

Traduções de spree

spree, binge, carousal, bust, carouse, bum

spree, binge, intoxication, libation, guzzle, inebriation

spree, feast, kick-up

spree, carousal, revelry, merrymaking, fun, jollification

fun, diversion, entertainment, play, recreation, spree

spree, revel, hellbender, carousal, kick-up

pagoda, spree, racket

bacchanal, bacchanalia, carousal, orgy, bacchanals, spree

jig, extravagance, spree, light-mindedness

017 turn on the lights turn off the lights examples grammar checker

In spanish, if you are talking directly to a person it would be:

informal: por favor enciende/apaga la luz
formal: por favor encienda/apague la luz

Si lo necesitas para un rótulo/aviso, puede ser de manera impersonal:
favor de encender/apagar la luz

u: Por favor, acende a luz.
você: Por favor, acenda a luz.
tu: Por favor, apaga a luz.
você: Por favor, apague a luz.

But as Tatis said, on a label or sign you could also find:

Favor acender/apagar a luz.

Brazilian dude

In Japanese:
電気を付けてください。 (turn on) Denki-o tsukete kudasai.
電気を消してください。 (turn off) Denki-o keshite kudasai.

Please turn on the light: 请开灯 (qing kai deng)
Please turn off the light: 请关灯 (qing guan deng)

Accendi la luce
Spegni la luce

Accenda la luce
Spenga la luce

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terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2014

016 the american school system


directly 2023 09 800 2024

directly -

word definition of discount d 2014 2024 800

dis·count  [v. dis-kount, dis-kount; n., adj. dis-kount]  Show IPA
verb (used with object)
to deduct a certain amount from (a bill, charge, etc.): All bills that are paid promptly will be discountedat two percent.
to offer for sale or sell at a reduced price: The store discounted all clothing for the sale.
to advance or lend money with deduction of interest on (commercial paper not immediately payable).
to purchase or sell (a bill or note) before maturity at a reduction based on the interest for the time itstill has to run.
to leave out of account; disregard: Even if we discount the irrelevant material, the thesis remainsmediocre.

the earnings you receive racing, discounts you get at the cars and parts shop and additional zone points you receive

012 link self introduction for a job interview 800 2024


segunda-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2014

Capital letters capitalization "capitalaizachionn" a vitamin = "vaitamin" 800 2014 2024

capital letters uppercase
lowercase minúsculas




capitalization "capitalaizachionn"

a vitamin = "vaitamin"