Something I can help you with?
Make a list and stick to it. Writing down everything that needs to be cleaned in your apartment will ensure that you never forget to throw away that smelly garbage. Here are the basic household chores you should aim to tackle around your home:
Sweeping and washing hard floors
mow the lawn
Washing dishes
Throwing away all garbage and recycling
Cleaning the bathroom (toilet, sink, floor and shower/bathtub)
Dusting the entire apartment or house
Cleaning the refrigerator and cabinets
Doing laundry
Grocery shopping
Beyond these basic chores, you should also remember to tackle ones that may not come to mind right away, such as:
Washing your shower curtain and liner
Washing and changing your bed sheets
Cleaning ceiling lights and fans
Disinfecting doorknobs
Vacuuming your couch
Washing windows
Changing light bulbs and batteries in smoke detectors
These and other chores around your house may need to be done more or less often than the basics, so just be sure to add them to your overall to-do list.
cleaning schedule
Before you start thinking that you need to do all nine of the chores listed above every single week, consider a few things. How often are you in your apartment? If you spend the majority of your time sleeping at your partner’s place, your apartment might have a lot less grime lying around than you think. Also, just do what you can with your own personal schedule. Between work, spin class and networking events, there might not always be a ton of time to toss a load of laundry in or sweep and wash every floor.
A basic schedule to keep in mind for cleaning is what should be done weekly, what can wait every two weeks and then what can be done monthly.
Weekly chores should include:
Washing dishes
Throwing away garbage and recycling
Cleaning the bathroom
These chores should be done at least once a week to ensure that the areas you touch most frequently are clean. Washing dishes and throwing out the garbage and recycling should be completed as needed, if not daily. Vacuuming and cleaning your bathroom could take no more than one hour per week if you get into a nice routine. Doing these four chores per week will make you feel confident in your space.
Chores that can wait to be done every two weeks include:
Sweeping and washing hard floors
Doing laundry
Grocery shopping
Sweeping and washing hard floors can wait to be done every two weeks with a simple trick: vacuum them every week instead. Then, depending on how big your wardrobe is and how often you eat at home, laundry and grocery shopping may be best suited for twice per month instead of every week.
Pro Tip: Keep several sets of bed sheets on hand so you can change them every week without needing to wash them more frequently than your clothes.
Every month, at the least, try to accomplish:
Dusting the entire apartment or house
Cleaning the refrigerator and cabinets
Dusting can take some time, so add it to your calendar and get it done once a month. If you have bad allergies, you may want to dust more often than that, though, like every two weeks. Cleaning out your refrigerator and cabinets is important because different foods have different expiration dates. Just be sure to know what’s in there and when it needs to be tossed. It’s also important to deep clean your refrigerator with soap and water every three to four months.
Cleaning Supplies
cleaning supplies
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Before you can even start cleaning your apartment, you need to have the right tools. A few standard cleaning supplies you should keep in your closet include:
Broom and dustpan
Mop and bucket, or Swiffer and wet pads
Paper towels
Anti-bacterial, multi-service cleaning spray
Furniture polish
A toilet brush or wand
Toilet cleaning solution
Shower cleaning solution
Multiple sponges
Garbage bags
Dish detergent
Laundry detergent
Dryer sheets
Rubber gloves
A few of these supplies are one-time buys, like a vacuum or rubber gloves, while others you’ll need to replace every few months. Be sure to replace your sponges frequently, and disinfect your cleaning tools before using them again.
Pro Tip: Save money by making your own cleaning supplies. And be wary of certain laundry detergent ingredients that could be harmful.
How To Do Laundry
how to do laundry
Cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming, washing dishes — these household chores are pretty much foolproof. However, laundry can get a little tricky. Before you shrink your favorite dress or turn that white t-shirt purple, listen up.
Before doing laundry, separate everything in your hamper. Always wash towels, bed sheets and clothes separately. Next, separate your clothes into whites, lights and darks. You should also separate items by delicates, jeans and hand washables.
Next, wash everything on the cold water setting. This will not only help save the planet and you some money, but your clothes will also last longer. Then, be sure to change the setting on the machine to match the clothes you’re washing — delicates, permanent press (jeans, towels and linens), whites, colors, etc. Lastly, follow the directions for adding detergent to your washing machine. Some machines have a separate spot for the detergent, while others may have you just pour one cap full into the machine before you add your clothes to the water.
Once your clothes have been washed, they’re ready for the dryer (or just a towel rack in your home). Not all clothes should go into the dryer. Read the tags on your clothes before putting them in there. If your machine allows it, we suggest using warmer settings for clothing and hotter setting for towels, linens and jeans. Don’t forget to add a dryer sheet to the load to prevent static and soften fabrics, too.
Pro Tip: Depending on the cycle time, toss a load of laundry into the washing machine while you tackle a different chore on your list. Multi-tasking is highly recommended when it comes to cleaning your apartment.
or example, you may begin by listing daily chores like:
Washing dishes
Feeding pets
Doing laundry
Preparing meals
Cleaning bathrooms
Next, you'll list weekly chores such as:
Washing bedding
Mopping floors
Watering plants
Mowing the lawn
Weeding the garden
Taking out the trash
Wash the car
Monthly chores should be listed next:
Washing windows
Bathing pets
Clean refrigerator
Change air filters on a furnace or air conditioner
Clean blinds
Vacuum curtains
Even yearly chores can be included such as:
Shampooing the carpets
Winterize the house
Clean garage
Prune trees and shrubs
By this point you have a pretty substantial list of tasks that need to be done on a regular basis to keep everything running smoothly. You can probably think of many more items to add from the list. You probably also see some that do not apply to you. That's okay. Simply create a master list that reflects what needs to be done in your family.
"Ozymandias" soneto de Percy Bysshe Shelley,
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said:—Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
"Ozymandias" é um conhecido soneto de Percy Bysshe Shelley,
You weren’t refused the visa due to your answer to one single question. Your whole situation did not give the consular officer confidence that you intended just to visit and then come home again promptly.
What should you answer? The answer you gave, if it was true, was also the correct one. The more answers you might try to invent, the more dishonest you might sound and the less likely that anyone will trust you with a US visa.
Tradução de "in a row" em português. Advérbio. Adjetivo. seguidos em sequência em seguida de uma vez. a fio. consecutivo em linha seguidas em uma fileira em uma linha em uma fila …
According to Cambridge English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster Unabridged English Dictionary, the word conundrum (pronounced kəˈnʌndrəm) is a noun that refers to some problem that is difficult to deal with, as in a dilemma, or it can refer to a puzzling question or kind of riddle that is a trick.
prevent (someone) from accomplishing something.
he never did anything to thwart his father
a pink-tinged cloud spread thwart the shore
[COUNTABLE] a small stick that produces a flame when rubbed against a rough surface, used for lighting a fire, cigarette etc
a box of matches
light/strike a match: He struck a match (=made it light) and lit the candles.
Thesaurus entry for this meaning of match
2[COUNTABLE] a game in which players or teams compete against each other, especially in a sport. The usual American word is game
to find a solution to something that is causing difficulties
to find the reason or explanation for something
to be successful by being determined or working hard
a soft natural or artificial substance that becomes liquid when heated, used for making candles and models, for making wooden furniture shine, and for protecting objects from water