segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2020

209 matrix script

THE MATRIXWritten byLarry and Andy WachowskiApril 8, 1996
FADE IN ON:COMPUTER SCREENSo close it has no boundaries.A blinking cursor pulses in the electric darkness like aheart coursing with phosphorous light, burning beneaththe derma of black-neon glass.A PHONE begins to RING, we hear it as though we weremaking the call. The cursor continues to throb,relentlessly patient, until --MAN (V.O.)Hello?Data now slashes across the screen, information flashingfaster than we read.SCREENCall trans opt: received.2-19-96 13:24:18 REC:Log>WOMAN (V.O.)I'm inside. Anything to report?We listen to the phone conversation as though we were ona third line. The man's name is CYPHER. The woman,TRINITY.CYPHER (V.O.)Let's see. Target left work at5:01 PM.SCREENTrace program: running.The entire screen fills with racing columns of numbers.Shimmering like green-electric rivets, they rush at a 10-digit phone number in the top corner.CYPHER (V.O.)He caught the northbound Howardline. Got off at Sheridan.Stopped at 7-11. Purchased six-pack of beer and a box of CaptainCrunch. Returned home.The area code is identified. The first three numberssuddenly fixed, leaving only seven flowing columns.We begin MOVING TOWARD the screen, CLOSING IN as eachdigit is matched, one by one, snapping into place likethe wheels of a slot machine.TRINITY (V.O.)
All right, you're relieved. Usethe usual exit.CYPHER (V.O.)Do you know when we're going tomake contact?TRINITYSoon.Only two thin digits left.CYPHER (V.O.)Just between you and me, you don'tbelieve it, do you? You don'tbelieve this guy is the one?TRINITY (V.O.)I think Morpheus believes he is.CYPHER (V.O.)I know. But what about you?TRINITY (V.O.)I think Morpheus knows things thatI don't.CYPHER (V.O.)Yeah, but if he's wrong --The final number pops into place --TRINITY (V.O.)Did you hear that?CYPHER (V.O.)Hear what?SCREENTrace complete. Call origin:#312-555-0690TRINITY (V.O.)Are you sure this line is clean?CYPHER (V.O.)Yeah, course I'm sure.We MOVE STILL CLOSER, the ELECTRIC HUM of the greennumbers GROWING INTO an OMINOUS ROAR.TRINITY (V.O.)I better go.CYPHER (V.O.)Yeah. Right. See you on the other side.She hangs up as we PASS THROUGH the numbers, entering the
netherworld of the computer screen.Where gradually the sound of a police radio grows aroundus.RADIO (V.O.)Attention all units. Attentionall units.Suddenly, a flashlight cuts open the darkness and we findourselves in --INT. CHASE HOTEL - NIGHTThe hotel was abandoned after a fire licked its wayacross the polyester carpeting, destroying several roomsas it spooled soot up the walls and ceiling leavingpatterns of permanent shadow.We FOLLOW four armed POLICE officers using flashlights asthey creep down the blackened hall and ready themselveson either side of room 303.The biggest of them violently kicks in the door --The other cops pour in behind him, guns thrust beforethem.BIG COPPolice! Freeze!The room is almost devoid of furniture. There is a fold-up table and chair with a phone, a modern, and a powerbookcomputer. The only light in the room is the glow of thecomputer.Sitting there, her hands still on the keyboard, isTRINITY; a woman in black leather.BIG COPGet your hands behind your head!Trinity rises.BIG COPHands behind your head! Now! Doit!She slowly puts her hands behind her head.EXT. CHASE HOTEL - NIGHTA black sedan with tinted windows glides in through thepolice cruisers.AGENT SMITH and AGENT BROWN get out of the car.
They wear dark suits and sunglasses even at night. Theyare also always hardwired; small Secret Service earphonesin one ear, its cord coiling back into their shirtcollars.AGENT SMITHLieutenant?LIEUTENANTOh shit.AGENT SMITHLieutenant, you were givenspecific orders --LIEUTENANTI'm just doing my job. You gimmethat Juris-my dick-tion and youcan cran it up your ass.AGENT SMITHThe orders were for your protection.The Lieutenant laughs.LIEUTENANTI think we can handle one littlegirl.Agent Smith nods to Agent Brown as they start toward thehotel.LIEUTENANTI sent two units. They'rebringing her down now.AGENT SMITHNo, Lieutenant, your men are dead.INT. CHASE HOTELThe Big Cop flicks out his cuffs, the other cops holdinga bead. They've done this a hundred times, they knowthey've got her, until the Big Cop reaches with the cuffand Trinity moves --It almost doesn't register, so smooth and fast, inhumanlyfast.The eye blinks and Trinity's palm. snaps up and the noseexplodes, blood erupting. The cop is dead before hebegins to fall.And Trinity is moving again --Seizing a wrist, misdirecting a gun, as a startled cop
FIRES --A head explodes.In blind panic, another airs his gun, the barrel, a fixedblack hole --And FIRES --Trinity twists out of the way, the bullet missing as shereverses into a roundhouse kick, knocking the gun away.The cop begins to scream when a jump kick crushes hiswindpipe, killing the scream as he falls to the ground.She looks at the four bodies.TRINITYShit.EXT. CHASE HOTELAgent Brown enters the hotel, while Agent Smith heads forthe alley.INT. CHASE HOTELTrinity is on the phone, pacing. The other end isanswered.MAN (V.O.)Operator.TRINITYMorpheus! The link was traced! Idon't know how.MORPHEUS (V.O.)I know. Stay calm.TRINITYAre there any agents?MORPHEUS (V.O.)Yes.TRINITYGoddamnit!MORPHEUS (V.O.)You have to focus. There is aphone. Wells and Laxe. You canmake it.She takes a deep breath, centering herself.
TRINITYAll right --MORPHEUS (V.O.)Go.She drops the phone.INT. HALLShe bursts out of the room as Agent Brown enters the hall,leading another unit of police. Trinity races to theopposite end, exiting through a broken window onto thefire escape.EXT. FIRE ESCAPEIn the alley below, Trinity sees Agent Smith staring ather. She can only go up.EXT. ROOFOn the roof, Trinity is running as Agent Brown rises overthe parapet, leading the cops in pursuit.Trinity begins to jump from one roof to the next, hermovements so clean, gliding in and out of each jump,contrasted to the wild jumps of the cops.Agent Brown, however, has the same unnatural grace.