segunda-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2018

208 Top 5 Misspelled Words in English

Top 5 Misspelled Words in English

Where would some of us be if it were not for autocorrect? When it comes to English even Native speakers have trouble with spelling. It is a common mistake and it happens to everyone. The list below is a compilation of Oxford Corpus, Grammarly, and business writing. To help avoid some commonly made mistakes here are a few words and the correct spelling:

1. Separate - Many people skip the middle syllable when saying it aloud which is probably why it is often misspelled as "seperate". 

2. Embarrassing - the trick for this word is remembering the double R and double S. otherwise you might be a little embarrassed for getting it wrong.  

3. Tomorrow - the common mistake with this word is adding a second "m" to the spelling.

4. Definitely - An tends to make its way into the spelling of this word, but "definately" is NOT correct. If it were pronounced "di-fin-IGHT-ly" it might be easier to spell.

5. Which - the silent 'h' at the beginning of this word is often forgotten. 

There are plenty more words that get misspelled on a regular occasion, these are just a few that happen a little more frequently. If you are still worried about your spelling and want to get it checked, you can also use  to get your English text revised immediately by a real person. I hope you found this list interesting, or maybe even helpful.