terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2016

appointment - reschedule nov 2023

appointment, naming, nomination, appointing, nominating
commitment, compromise, appointment, engagement, committed, undertaking
query, consultation, appointment, queries, consulting, refers
Language, level: Advanced 
Posted Sun Jul 15 17:36:34 PDT 2007 by Natasha Cooper (englishskills@msn.com). 
Practice listening and speaking English. 
Cooper Learning Systems, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Materials Required: online lesson with sound 
Activity Time: 10-20 minutes in class or for self-study 
Concepts Taught: making, cancelling and rescheduling an appointments 

Free online English lessons with sound. Practice listening and speaking. Business English Telephoning.
Rescheduling an appointment or a social date from Appointments and Reservations by Natasha Cooper.
Power English: what to say and how to say it series.
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From Appointments and Reservations
By Natasha Cooper

If only we lived in the ideal world. In the real world plans have to be adjusted, meetings postponed, appointments rescheduled. Today is one of those days. So the sooner
I do it, the better.
“This is Natasha Cooper. I have an appointment for Thursday at 2 o’clock.”
But things have changed.
“Unfortunately, there is a conflict in my schedule.”
Now I hit them with my request:
“Can I reschedule for Monday afternoon or any time Tuesday?”
An opening on Monday on such short notice? Ha, ha! Wishful thinking!
“We have nothing in the afternoon on Monday. On Tuesday between eleven and two we take walk-ins. But you might have to wait.”

Oh, boy! That’s just what I want to do… wait all day!
So I ask for a favor:
“If someone cancels for Monday afternoon, could you give me a call? If not, I’ll simply come in on Tuesday.”
Ah, but of course, they won’t promise to call me. Instead I’m told:
“Check back with us later today.”
So I do what I’m told:
“I’m calling to check whether you had any cancellations for Monday afternoon or any time on Tuesday.”
If I luck out, and there is an opening, I jump at it:
“Oh, that’s great! Could you write me in?”
And if it’s not my lucky day? Then, I guess, I’ll take a good, long book with me for Tuesday’s wait in line…

DO's and DON'Ts
If you must reschedule or cancel an appointment,
be sure to do so as soon as you know of the change in your schedule.
Click here for the sound
Asking to reschedule an appointment
Can we postpone our appointment?
Let's see if we can find another day when we could get together.
Could we postpone till Thursday?
Could we move it up? (i.e. move it to an earlier time)
Could we move it up slightly?
Could we move it up one hour?
Could we move it up to 12 o'clock?

So we'll go for a ride on Saturday?
Yes, if it doesn't rain.
If it does, come the day before.

Click here for the sound
Could we push back the meeting to six?
Let's push it back half an hour.
Could we push it back slightly?
Could we move up the meeting a few days?
Could you take me at one?
Could you write me in?
Can I reschedule for Monday afternoon?
Explaining circumstances

I have a conflict in my schedule.
I'm running ahead of schedule.
I'm running behind schedule.
Something's come up.

Click here for the sound

My schedule has changed.
I've had a change in my schedule.
I'm going to be in the neighborhood.
Tuesday is a bad day for me. Do you have
an opening on Wednesday?
I completely forgot. I have a class that night.
I'll have to work on the third.
I have to fill in at work.
Postponing a meeting
Do you mind if we put it off to another date?
The meeting is postponed till (until) further notice.
The new meeting date is to be determined (TBD).
The new meeting date is to be announced (TBA).

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(You are running behind schedule. Ask if you can reschedule your appointment.)
I'm running behind schedule. Could we reschedule our appointment?
I'm running behind schedule. Could we reschedule our appointment?
I'm running behind schedule. Could we reschedule our appointment?
1. (You have a conflict in your schedule. Suggest that you should find another day when you could get together.)
You: ____________________________________________ Caller: I have a conflict in my schedule. Let's see if we can find another day when we could get together.
2. (Your schedule has changed. You'd like to move your appointment to Thursday afternoon.)
You: ____________________________________________ Caller: My schedule has changed. I'd like to move my appointment to Thursday afternoon.
3. (Something came up, and you have to reschedule.)
You: _____________________________________
Caller: Something came up, and I have to reschedule.
4. (You are going to be in the neighborhood in the morning.
Ask if they could take you at ten.)
You: _________________________________________
Caller: I'm going to be in the neighborhood in the morning.
Could you take me at ten?
5. (You completely forgot. You have a class that night. Ask if they have an opening on Monday.)
You: ___________________________________________ Caller: I completely forgot. I have a class that night. Do you have an opening on Monday?

DIALOGUE ONE Click here for the sound

A. Listen to the dialogue
Good morning, doctor's office.
Good morning. My name is Nancy Lonk.
I have an appointment with Dr. White
for a check-up on Thursday, the 13th.
But my schedule has changed, and I'll have to work that day. I'd like to move my appointment to another day.
When would you like to come in?
Do you have anything next week?
We have Tuesday at 2 or Friday at 11 o'clock available.
Tuesday would be fine.
Okay, I have you down for 2 o'clock on Tuesday, the 18th.
See you then.
Thank you very much. Good-bye.
B. Repeat the dialogue after the tape
C. Repeat the dialogue along with the tape

DIALOGUE TWO Click here for the sound
A. Listen to the dialogue
Good morning. Doctor's office.
Good morning. This is Natasha Cooper. I have an appointment for Thursday at 2 o'clock. Unfortunately, there is a conflict in my schedule. Can I reschedule for Monday afternoon or any time Tuesday?
We have nothing in the afternoon on Monday. But on Tuesday between eleven and two we take walk-ins. But you might have to wait.
Actually, I'd rather not wait. If someone cancels for Monday afternoon, could you give me a call? If not, I'll simply come in on Tuesday.
Could you check back with us later on today?
Thank you, I will.
B. Repeat the dialogue after the tape
C. Repeat the dialogue along with the tape

Click here for the sound
A. Listen to the message
Hi, Harry! This is Linda. I'm terribly sorry. I completely forgot.
I have a class tomorrow night. Do you mind if we put off the dinner to another day? I'm going to be in the neighborhood on Wednesday. Maybe we could get together then? Please let me know if it's okay with you.
B. Repeat the message after the tape
C. Repeat the message along with the tape
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