terça-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2015

120 words in f g h i j k


fierce fiercely
 abandon, leave, give up, quit, forsake, relinquish
 give up, quit, desist, off, leave, forsake
leave, let, quit, have, let go, forsake
 renunciar a
 renounce, forgo, relinquish, resign, forsake, quit
 partir para longe de

forsaken - abandonado

furniture - moveis da sala mobilia
furniture in mahogany - móveis em mogno
fierce feroz - violento

futile - fiutalll - futil
fore told - all the prophets foretold - verb fore tell
Synonyms: foretell, augur, divine, prophesy, vaticinate
These verbs mean to tell about something beforehand by or as if by supernatural means: foretelling the future; augured a scandal; divined the enemy's victory; prophesying a stock-market boom; atrocities vaticinated by the antifascists.See Also Synonyms at predict.
flat bread
fishing chips
fraud trial
for further communication -
further According to the invention there is further provided
further afield
Further studies/education
Further to our conversation earlier today.......
Further to...
Gearing up for further bloodletting, airlines seem to be performing pre-emptive triage.
pull back/further move/ceiling
further adj
 (comparative of far) comparativo de longe
 mais distante loc adj

 Is it far? Is it further than that house over there?

 É longe? É mais distante do que aquela casa, ali?

 (greater extent) a fundo
 mais adv

 I'll investigate further and get back to you.

 Eu investigarei mais e volto a falar com você.

further vtr
 (promote, advance) promover, avançar
 promover vt

 She's dedicated to furthering the cause of the homeless.

 Ela está dedicada a promover a causa dos desabrigados.

Traduções Adicionais/Additional Translations

further adj
 (more remote)
 mais afastado, mais distante loc adj

 You should leave by the further door.

further adj
 (more extended)
 adicional, mais adj

 I think he'll need further training.

further adj
 adicional adj

 We'll need to get further staff to finish this project.

 (comparative of far) comparativo de ''far''
 mais além, mais adiante loc adv

 You need to walk further than that if you want some exercise.

 adiante, mais adv

 If you walk a bit further, you'll see it.

 além do mais, além disso loc adv

 And, further, this isn't his first offence.

 Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

WordReference English-Portuguese Dictionary © 2014:

Formas compostas

discuss further
  discutir mais a fundo

further actionn
 (additional measures) medidas adicionais
 ação complementarloc sf

 Further action was needed to win the battle.

further downadv
 mais abaixo loc adv

 According to what it says further down, you don't need to do anything yet.

further education n
 UK (tertiary education, adult learning) ensino terciário
 educação continuadaloc sf

further information n
 (additional details) detalhes adicionais
 maiores informaçõesloc sf

 For further information click on the link above.

further noticen
 (next announcement) próximo anúncio
 nova ordem loc sf

  novo aviso loc sm

 The restaurant will be closed until further notice.

further on adv
 (farther along)
 mais adiante loc adv

 A little further on, past the church, you'll come to a roundabout.

further oneself v
 (improve one's education or career) melhorar a educação ou carreira
 especializar-se vp

  aprimorar-se, aperfeiçoar-se vp

further tophrase
 (following on from) indo além, mais
 em frente frase

 indo em frente
 continuando, seguindo

 Further to your enquiry, I can confirm that tickets are still available.

further up adv
 mais em cima loc adv

 The house we're looking for is further up the street.

go one step further

Furthermore - além do mais
We believe that the project is possible. Furthermore, we believe that we can do it within a few months.
furthermore versus moreover
Most speakers use them synonymously; some speakers don't:
moreover, beyond what has been said
furthermore, in addition to what has been said
[1] “The acceleration performance of this car model is very poor; furthermore, its fuel consumption is extremely high.”
[2] “The acceleration performance of this car is very poor; moreover, its fuel consumption is extremely high.”
In the first example, the speaker gives 'an impartial, co-equal assessment of the two inadequacies of the car model', whereas in the second example, a critical judgmental sense against the fuel consumption aspect is conveyed. The speaker’s bias shows somewhat.

functional enhancements  melhorias funcionais
and implement technical enhancements,   implementar melhorias tecnicas
fix my ignition
feather - white feather pena pena branca
fragile - frádjáillll


beautiful; very attractive. "gorgeous colors and exquisite decoration" sinônimos: spectacular, splendid, superb, wonderful, grand, impressive, awe-inspiring, awesome, amazing, stunning, breathtaking, incredible, sensational, fabulous, fantastic; resplendent, magnificent, sumptuous, luxurious, elegant, opulent, dazzling, brilliant Traduções de gorgeous adjetivo deslumbrante gorgeous, glaring, glamorous, flaring, glamourous esplêndido splendid, magnificent, wonderful, superb, gorgeous, stunning grandioso grand, great, grandiose, magnificent, lofty, gorgeous suntuoso sumptuous, magnificent, gorgeous, palatial, regal, costly esplendoroso magnificent, gorgeous, Olympian ótimo optimum, superb, scrumptious, rattling, superior, gorgeous magnificente regal, gorgeous, luxurious, grand, splendid, sumptuous



more gullible than - mais crédulo do que - doucredito

gunge /g?n(d)?
British • informalNOUN an unpleasantly sticky or viscous substance. (GUNGES, GUNGEING, GUNGED)
(gunge something up)
globalized world
god raised up
grow up
growing up enough
we are growed up enough

I am more humble than you
hypothesis - háipótesis
horizon, horizontally or vertically - hiuráizon - horiZOntally verticly
hazard - hazardous - due to hazardous
he falls asleep
helplessnesshow come you don't have kids 
head set almost fading away
How come you don't have kids


increased the force of my anger


in order to this I...
we must split ....
I increase the voice...

"And I'm not the kind that likes to tell you
Just what you want me to"

I hope no further pains
i am gonna eat more beans
I am just like elsewhere
it took me a while to find
increase controll to increase 
It's been a while
In order to I am so keeping that
increasinglyI command
I was given a life
I am actually out
I could eat three of those
improve and increase
instead of a lung buston
traine - estagiário trainee, probationer, improver


jot down-verbo

 note, annotate, jot down, record, make a note, mark

 point, aim, indicate, pinpoint, aim at, jot down

jot down them - anotálos


door handle

 door knob

kneel ajoelhar
knee joelhos

 type, kind, sort, description, font, specimen

 species, kind, sort, specie, manner, race

 class, grade, kind, group, sort, rank

 variety, range, diversity, species, kind, manifoldness

 nature, kind, being, quality, self, feather

 gender, genre, genus, kind, sort, manner

 way, manner, fashion, method, mode, kind

 caste, kind, breed, class, sort, species

 condition, status, requirement, state, proviso, kind


 kind, amiable, nice, friendly, kindly, gentle

 kind, nice, dinky, delicate, pleasing, dapper

 affable, friendly, kind, gracious, debonair, soft

 kind, good, gentle, benevolent, generous, charitable

 docile, gentle, meek, obedient, tractable, kind


that is very kind of you - isto é muito gentil da sua parte

 goodness, kindness, kindliness, grace, charity, benignity

 kindness, niceness, kindliness, heathendom

 kindness, amiability, loveliness, kindliness

 benevolence, goodwill, kindness, goodness, favor, graciousness

 affability, friendliness, kindness, amenity, goodness, amenability

 attention, care, mind, watch, heed, kindness


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